Joey's Golf Bag

November 17, 2005

Getting skinny

Filed under: Practice — Joey @ 5:42 pm

I went to GBGC to practice after work yesterday, to concentrate on my short game, which I’ve been neglecting lately as I’ve worked on my full swing. My guide for the short game is Dave Pelz’s Short Game Bible. The weather was cool, around 55 degrees, very soft breeze from behind me, and sunny skies as the sun went down.

I spent most of my time hitting pitching, sand and lob wedges, trying to get good solid strikes on the ball. I had a problem over the last weekend hitting the ball fat, and now I’m trying to hit the ball “skinny” (but not thin). 😉 For the most part, I was successful, as long as I kept Dave’s mantra of “dead hands” and coordinated trunk and waist turns.

Of course, I wanted to see the ball fly, so I got out the SasQuatch 3-metal and hit some balls. At first, I was hooking the ball, just like last week. A few adjustments of my stance and I got the ball drawing perfectly or going straight. With the last few remaining balls, I went pin hunting on the blue and red flags, using the 7-iron to attack the blue flag and the 10-iron to attack the red flag. I hit the ball well, very slight fade or draw on the 7-iron and slight pushes with the 10-iron. My distance was somewhat longer than normal today, due in part to the soft breeze and in part to the fact that the fade has faded and replaced with straight or draw shots. I also hit the 6-iron and was pleased to see no fades at all, just straight or draw shots.

After finishing the bucket, I went to the short game area and hit short wedges with the sand and lob wedges, and spent about 20 minutes chipping. Distance control was poor on the sand and lob wedges, so I need to spend more time hitting these shots. Chipping improved over the practice so that near the end, most were in easy putting distance.

November 13, 2005

Hooking It

Filed under: Play,Practice — Joey @ 8:21 pm

This morning I hit a small bucket of balls and played nine holes at the Hank Haney Golf Ranch in Lewisville. The weather was warm and sunny, with a 1-club breeze from the southeast.

Practice was very mixed from the start. As I was hitting from a slight downhill lie, I hit a number of balls fat. The short irons were working well in practice, but never did get the 6-iron to straighten out. Practice with the 3-metal found me hitting mostly fades or straight shots (unlike what would happen on the course). I also took extra time to practice chipping and putting before playing.

My score:

Hole 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total
Par 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 31
Score 2* 6 5 5 4 8 4 5 4 43

* Hit green in regulation.


  • I had two excellent shots today. The first great shot was on the first hole with a 9-iron. The wind was very soft, so I aimed directly at the hole and hit the ball perfectly to eight feet just below the hole. I nailed the putt in the center of the cup for my first birdie in weeks. The second great shot was a 3-metal off the tee of the eighth hole. I actually hit it long enough that it rolled into the rough at the end of the fairway, leaving me a sand wedge to the hole.
  • My putting was excellent today. I had only 13 putts all day and no 3 putts. I nailed the 8-footer on the 1st hole for birdie and a 20-footer to save bogey on the 4th hole. I had only 1 putt on the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th and 7th hole. Great putting was the only thing that kept me from having one of the worst golfing days I’ve ever had.
  • My sand and lob wedge play was atrocious all day. I hit a sand wedge clear over the green on 2, causing double bogey. I chunked so many sand wedges today that I lost count. I also hit a pitching wedge thin over the green and into the back hazard on the 3rd hole and ended up with double and hit a recovery pitching wedge too long into the hazard on the 6th hole. Wedge play and chipping, usually one of the better parts of my game, was the key reason for my poor score today.
  • I used the Sasquatch 3-metal on all four par-4 holes today, hooking two of them and hitting one fat on the disastrous 6th hole. I redeemed myself on the 8th, where I hit the ball long enough to roll off the end of the fairway. Unfortunately, I chunked the sand wedge and made bogey.
  • I really need to develop a low stinger to get out of the trees. I also managed to clip a branch on a beautiful 8-iron into the 9th hole that caused me to make bogey.

Despite all that (and losing my putter cover on the 6th hole — tracked it down after the round), I had a very enjoyable day of golf. The course is quite difficult, but you can score if you hit good shots. I only hit two great shots all day, and the result is the score you see stinking up this blog.

November 12, 2005

Twas a Very Blustery Day

Filed under: Practice — Joey @ 3:07 pm

This morning, I ventured over to the Hank Haney Golf Ranch in Lewisville to practice and play nine. The weather was very cloudy and windy, threatening rain. The weather must have scared off my playing partners.

I started off hitting 10-irons into a 2-club wind toward the target green just beyond the water hazard. All were short, but I was shooting darts straight at the flag. Next up was the 9-iron, again short of the green, but right at the flag. Next up, 8-iron, perfect distance, hitting most of the shots right around the flag. In fact, for the first third of the bucket of balls, I was hitting the ball about the best I ever have.

I changed targets and started firing the 7-iron at the flag on the left side of the range next to the net and tree. Again, the first few shots were darts right at the flag, some fading, some drawing, some straight. However, when I got the 6-iron out, the balls were mostly fades, with an occasional slice thrown in. 5-iron was similar, only a few good straight shots. With the hybrids, I never got the draw working at all.

I changed targets to the farthest flag and got out the 3-metal. My shots were basically straight, slice, straight, slice over and over, until I finally got the draw working after about 4 cycles of straight/slice. The next few shots were straight or draws. I hit a couple of balls with the driver, all of which were straight but two were hit fat and popped high into the air.

Except for the hybrids, I had a pretty good practice today, and I decided to play nine holes. See next article for a review of the course and my day playing.

November 10, 2005

Drawing it

Filed under: Practice — Joey @ 8:48 pm

After work today, I stopped by the Hank Haney Golf Ranch in Lewisville to hit some balls. The day was cool, sunny, with a slight breeze out of the east. After my euphoria of discovering that my grip was the primary reason I’ve been fading and/or slicing the ball, I was looking forward to starting to hit mostly straight or draw shots.

I started off hitting 9-iron shots onto the green in the center of the range, just behind the water hazard. My first shot was well over the green, as the tee location was just behind the water hazard. After warming up with a few 9-irons, some of them hit fat and into the water, I got out the 10-iron and also hit shots over the green. A full pitching wedge was about right, though, so I hit a few close to the pin or just over it.

Next, I took aim at the green on the left side of the range beside the net, hitting some 7-iron shots short of that green, some into the bunker in front of it. Most of the shots were pushed, with little or no side spin. After adjusting a bit, I hit some shots straight at the flag, but short of the green. I then pulled out the 6-iron and hit more shots, most also with little side spin. Again, more of the shots were pushed, but one or two drew nicely and landed left of the green or into the net. The 5-iron was a bit more difficult, most shots were fading. Next up was the 27-hybrid, which I mostly faded as well.

I got out the Sasquatch 3-metal and aimed at the farthest flag, which I’m guessing was about 180 yds from where I teed up. The first few shots were poor, either hooks or slices, but I soon found my rhythm and hit some nice shots over the flag into the net. My biggest problem today with the 3-metal was hitting sky balls, but they all went more or less straight. I did hit some draws, though, and some pulls, but few fades or slices.

Next up, I got out the mid-irons, and went pin hunting, without my customary aiming stick. First up was the 6-iron. The first shot was pushed, but the next one was right at the pin. Similar story with the 7-iron; the shots were straight or pushed, short of the pin. On the 8-iron, the first shot was pushed badly, but the next two were very well hit. The 9-iron was also right at the pin. With the 10-iron, I hit the first fat into the water, but the next shot was perfect. Finally, the last two balls were hit with the 27-hybrid, the first a fade, the second perfect, right at the pin.

I had some good improvement with my ball striking today, but still need to find just the right grip to make all the balls go straight or with a slight draw.

November 8, 2005

Grip’s the Thing

Filed under: Practice — Joey @ 8:44 pm

Today, after work, I went to the Hank Haney Golf Ranch in Lewisville. This is my first visit to this facility, and a very nice one it is. There’s a large grass range and a nine-hole course. I didn’t know there was a nine-hole course here, or I would have played it, since it is the closest nine-hole course.

The day was very warm, record setting, in fact, for Big D in November. There was a breeze from the south, which is from left to right on the range.

Anyway, today I wanted to get the draw working and working well. Things went poorly from the start. Anything longer than a 7-iron was fading or worse, slicing. After hitting half the balls, with no better results, I went back to fundamentals. I thought my grip was good, but, just in case, I decided to overdo putting the grip into the fingers vs. the palm, and a miracle happened! First shot with the new grip, and bingo, instant draw! Finally, the cause of my fades and slices is revealed: I had the grip too much in the palm and not enough in the fingers. As long as I maintain light tension in my arms and body, my swing turned back into the long desired draw. Wow!!

I went back and hit the 3-, 5-, 7-, and 9-irons, to see how the ball draws. The 3-iron went straight, maybe a slight fade, the 5-iron drew slightly, the 7-iron drew nicely, and the 9-iron actually hooked!

Life is good again! Now I can tweak my swing back into shape, now that the cause of the fades and slices has been revealed to me.

November 6, 2005

Perfect Posture

Filed under: Practice — Joey @ 11:27 pm

I practiced today at GBGC. The day was very warm, sunny, wind from left to right across the range. I spent the morning working on fundamentals, finally discovering that my posture had digressed from a few weeks ago when I was hitting the long clubs well. After I fixed my posture, suddenly the ball started going straight again with the driver and 3-wood (review of the new Sasquatch 3-wood upcoming).

I spent the rest of practice in the bunker trying to reliably get out of the sand. I have spent little time practicing in the bunker. After much practice, managed to get out of the bunker about 50% of the time, but it wasn’t pretty, as many of the ones that got out were hit thin and shot across the green. But I got out. Much work to do in the sand. Whoever said sand shots are the easiest to make must be smoking crack.

Practice and Play at North Texas Golf

Filed under: Play,Practice — Joey @ 9:51 am

On Saturday, I met Jarvis for practice and play. The weather was warm with a strong breeze from the north.

I spent half the practice session hitting short and medium irons, working on drawing the ball, as usual. I was drawing the ball pretty good today, but the wind made my draws straight and my straight balls fade. Next up, I practiced short wedge shots into the practice flags. I had good direction control today, but most shots were long. After that, I practiced chipping. Jarvis and I had a chipping content (he owes me lunch). A few practice putts and time to hit the course.

My score:

Hole 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total
Par 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 27
Score 5 3 5 3 5 4* 3* 3 4* 35

* Hit green in regulation.


  • Shots from the tee, other than the first two holes, were mostly long today; I guess I overcompensated for the wind. Misses were to the left, so the draw is starting to become more natural.
  • Chipping, despite the practice, was bad all day.
  • Today was my worst day putting in recent memory; three 3-putts.

Nevertheless, the weather was beautiful and had a fun day.

November 2, 2005

Two Practices at GBGC

Filed under: Practice — Joey @ 8:47 pm

Last Saturday, my usual golf buddy was unable to play, so I headed to the range to hit some balls. I concentrated on irons, hitting only a couple of drives, badly.

The weather: cool, sunny, soft breeze. I hit many, many, iron shots with the 7-iron, working on backswing and shot shaping. While I hit a few draws, I could never get the draw to be repeatable. At least the bad shots were fades and not slices. I also hit the 5-iron and 3-iron, but mostly hit fades.

Today, the weather was again sunny and cool, but there was a two club breeze into my face at a 45 degree angle to my target line. It turned draws into straight shots and fades into slices, but I persevered.

I worked on fundamentals again today. First, I made sure my grip was correct, especially having the club in the correct “strong” position with the club in the fingers and not in the palm of my left hand. I still have to check continually to make sure that the club is gripped correctly. Next, on the backswing, I made sure that the end of the club pointed at the target line. I also moved the ball position back a little to just forward of center, hoping to hit the ball a little more reliably. Lastly, instead of grounding the club, I hovered it at the equator of the ball in hopes of curing my problem hitting too many fat shots.

For the most part, the checking the fundamentals worked well. I began to hit a higher proportion of draws and straight shots to fades. My bad shots are always fades or slices; rarely, with the driver or 3-iron, I will hook, but that is uncommon. Today, I hit only 7-, 5- and 3-irons, with a brief break to hit a few drives. Near the end of practice, I had the draw working, even with the 3-iron.

The advantage for me is my draw carries 10-15 yds farther than my fade, so I prefer it. Unfortunately, I can’t hit it reliably; I can always hit a fade, and as long as my timing is good, the slice is avoided. Thus, I want to make the draw my normal shot and only use a fade when I need the ball to land softly.

Today, when I was down to my last 5 balls, I got out the 10-iron and hit nearly every shot fat, due, it seems, to the ball being played too far forward. On my next practice, I’m going to start from the center and see if I can determine the optimal position for the ball.

When I got home, I had a little epiphany. I’ve been practicing mostly using tees, since it helps me learn to shape the shots. I seem to have created a problem, however, in that the club face isn’t square until the club is on the way back up. Hitting on a tee hid this effect from me. The main reason I’ve been playing the ball forward is it gives me more time to release the clubface, but it looks like the release is happening too late, and on the way back up. Now that I see the problem, I can now work on fixing it. No more tees for a while…

October 28, 2005

Short iron work

Filed under: Practice — Joey @ 7:29 pm

I practiced at GBGC after work this afternoon, practicing mainly short and mid irons. The weather again was flawless, mid-70s, soft breeze, not a cloud in the sky. I started hitting the 7-iron, fades, and noticed that I had too much lower body motion. That caused inconsistent striking of the ball. After some practice shots with my feet together and ball centered, I got my swing back in sync and started hitting the ball well.

I also hit the 6- and 5-irons well, mostly straight or soft fades, though I did have more pushes than usual. 4- and 3-irons were disappointing, though, I never got a consistent straight ball flight, either hooked it or faded it. I didn’t do any driver or 3-metal work today.

After the 4- and 3-irons, I went back to the 7-irons and worked my way up through the short irons. Most shots were straight without any side spin. With the shorter irons, I tended to pull some of the shots more than usual.

I also hit a few full wedge shots with the pitching and sand wedges. The pitching wedge shots were particularly straight on target, but I alternately pulled or pushed the sand wedge.

I ran out of time and wasn’t able to putt or practice my short game.

October 25, 2005

OK, not so bad

Filed under: Practice — Joey @ 9:00 pm

I went to practice after work at GBGC. Since most of the grass range is closed, I used a mat on the closed section and spent most of the day practicing the full set of irons. The weather was flawless, mid-70s, soft breeze, sunny skies.

While I never did get a reliable draw going, most of my irons were going straight or soft fades. I did get a hook or two on the 3-iron, but nothing repeatable. The slice was gone except for one or two on the long irons and a couple while hitting the driver. The short irons were straight on target or slightly pushed or pulled. Mid-irons were soft fades mostly, some straight. Long irons were also mostly fades, but a hook or two thrown in when I hit a little fat.

I hit a few full wedge swings with each of my three wedges, balls were mostly straight with a few pushes.

I didn’t spend much time with the driver, but I did hit a couple of big banana slices before I got the ball going straight. No moon balls today.

I was a bit rushed and had little time for putting, but did putt well once I got the speed down. My five final putts from 9 to 21 feet all found the cup.

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