Joey's Golf Bag

March 26, 2006

Swing clinic

Filed under: Instruction — Joey @ 1:58 pm

Yesterday, I went to the Full Swing Clinic at the Golden Bear Golf Center. As usual, Alan was the instructor. There were only two students today, so I had a full hour of work.

The day was warm, not much breeze. I started out hitting 7-iron shots to warm up and was striking the ball reasonably well, so not much time was spent on irons. Next, I hit a bunch of 3-metal shots, but just could not get the swing to work at all. Alan had me concentrate on three things: full backswing with a slight pause at the top, full transfer of weight from left to right on the downswing, and making a complete follow-through. I had much difficulty getting in sync, my tempo was just a mess. Most of my shots were low hooks.

Next, we moved on to the SasQuatch driver. This was the first time out of the bag for this club (just got it last weekend). Again, I had the same difficulties with this club as I did with the 3-metal, hit low hooks. Tempo would just not work for me on this day. He also had me swing as hard as I could with this club.

We finished up with short wedge shots using my sand wedge, and I finally started to hit the ball really well. With the exception of one shot that I hit fat and went under the ball, I hit the sand wedge very nicely. He didn’t find anything to work on with my wedges and thought my swing looked good with this club.

After the class ended, I hit a few more balls and then headed home.

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