Joey's Golf Bag

September 19, 2007

Short Game Getting Better

Filed under: Practice — Joey @ 10:04 pm

This afternoon, after work, I practiced at the Golden Bear Golf Center. The afternoon was warm with a soft breeze from the south.

I started out in the short game area working on short and medium length pitches with my lob wedge. I was really pleased with my pitching today, very possibly the best pitching practice I’ve had ever. Both my distance and direction were good today, and I had only a few poor shots. I also had a good medium and long chipping practice to go along with the pitching practice. While not as good as the pitching practice, my chipping was pretty respectable today.

Next, I went to the range and went through my usual full swing warmup. My sand wedge wasn’t very crisp to start, tending to hit the ball a bit thin. The pitching wedge wasn’t much better. My 8-iron shots were pushes, as were my first two 6-iron shots. My third 6-iron, though, was very well struck. My 7-wood balls were all high pushes, as were my 3-woods. The driver was back to its old tricks, either high pushes or snap hooks.

I followed up the warmup by going back down the bag. I hit a few 4-hybrids, all high pushes or hit fat. I hit a couple of 5-irons. The first couple of shots were all high and short, then the hook came back. My next 7-irons were just messy, so I got out the sand wedge and started hitting some short shots, concentrating on even tempo and soft hands. I finally started to hit some solid shots, so I got out the 9-iron and worked on striking the ball with even tempo. Finally, the shots started going straight again. By this time, I’d run out of balls, but someone had left some balls just down the range, so I moved my bag down a few positions and hit those balls, working on a variety of different shots. These included a few cut lobs, a punch shot or two, and a bunch of high, soft shots with all of the wedges.

By now, I was pretty much shot, so I rested for a few minutes and went home. I was very pleased with my short game practice, less so with my full swing, though I was happy to get my short irons a bit better today.

September 16, 2007

Shanks for nuttin’

Filed under: Practice — Joey @ 7:26 pm

This morning, I practiced at the Hank Haney Golf Ranch in Lewisville. The morning was warm, with a breeze from the west. I warmed up on the range using my usual warmup, varied slightly to alternate the odd numbered irons. My first shots with the sand wedge were very ragged, but my shots improved as I got lower in the bag. My 5-irons were pretty good today, straight with a very high ball flight, but relatively short, as I was hitting into the wind. All of my long clubs were good today, especially the 4-wood and 3-wood. My driver was mixed; I started out with two long slices, straightened them out and then finished up hitting low draws.

I then spent some time on the short irons. I haven’t been hitting these clubs well of late, and it took me about 10 balls before I started hitting good shots with the 8-iron. I tried using Tour Tempo on the iPod, but that didn’t help at all, and seemed to make things worse. Eventually, I hit a few good ones and moved on to short wedge shots at the nets placed on the range just in front of the pond. One of the nets was straight up wind, and I had some difficulty getting the distance right due to the wind, but these balls were all pretty straight. The other net was nearly across the wind, so I had to compensate by aiming well left of the net. I hit many balls close to the nets, but other than one that hopped into the net on the first bounce, didn’t get any into the net. Then disaster: I started shanking the wedges. I would hit a good shot to the net into the wind, and then shank the one across the wind. I ran out of balls before I figured out what was wrong.

I went to the putting green to practice. I first tried hitting 10 putts in a row from 4 feet, missed on the seventh, then reeled off 10 in a row. Next, I ran my speed drill, but this time ran the drill so that I putted down hill. I had a nice putting drill out to 30 feet, and then practiced a few lag putts from 30 feet. I was pleased with my speed today; my green reading still needs practice.

Aside from the shanks, I had a pretty good practice today. I’m very pleased that my long clubs are getting better, but puzzled that my short irons are getting worse. I guess it’s time for another swing clinic.

September 15, 2007

Finally, the driver goes straight

Filed under: Practice — Joey @ 12:18 pm

This morning, I practiced at the Hank Haney Golf Ranch in Lewisville. The morning was sunny and a bit cool when I arrived, reaching the mid-80s by the time I finished up.

I started out on the range, stretched a bit to warm up, and then ran through my now standard warm up routine: 5 balls with the sand wedge, just getting going, then 3 balls each with the sand wedge, pitching wedge, 8-iron, 6-iron, 4-hybrid, 4-wood, 3-wood and followed by 5 balls with the driver. I wasn’t striking the ball particularly good with the shorter clubs, but got better as the clubs got longer. When I pulled out the 3-wood Thriver, this time I teed it up like a driver instead of a 3-wood, and pow! That’s really how this club needs to be hit, just like a driver. Now I’m getting a nice, piercing ball flight with better distance than my 4-wood. Today, seemingly because I hit very nice shots with the Thriver, my driver decided to go straight today, with pretty respectable distance.

For my next drill, I got out the iPod and the 8-iron and hit a dozen balls, working on tempo and ball flight. It took a few balls but I started striking the 8-iron a bit better. I then hit a few 6-irons with the iPod on, and hit some pretty nice shots with it.

After a short break, I went down to the end of the range, where there were 3 round nets set up at between a 1/4 lob wedge and just over a 1/2 lob wedge. I spent the rest of the balls firing shots at the three nets, hitting three nets out of about 30 balls. My direction control was pretty solid today, but my distance control was a bit off. Still, it was a very good practice with the lob wedge.

I then went to the putting green and spent about 25 minutes hitting short and medium length chipping. My chipping wasn’t stellar today, though I did hole one chip. I got out the putter and warmed up by hitting 4 footers to see how many I could hit in a row, missing the eighth one. I then went back to 3 feet, and hit 10 in a row. My speed drill was next. My distance control was pretty good, but my green reading was a little lacking today. I finished up with some down-hill lag putting from 30 ft, nailing one and leaving the rest no more than 6 inches from the hole.

I was pretty happy with my practice today. I’ll find a course to play nine on tomorrow and see if my game is improving.

September 12, 2007

Long good (except the big stick)

Filed under: Practice — Joey @ 9:16 pm

This afternoon, after work, I practiced at the Golden Bear Golf Center. The afternoon was relatively cool and breezy. I started off in the short game area, planning to start out with medium length pitches. However, after I stretched, my swing wasn’t feeling very good, so I changed my mind and started with medium and long chips with the pitching wedge. I was pretty pleased with my chipping practice today. I then went back to practicing medium length pitches with the lob wedge. I did a pretty good job pitching, but there were a few stinkers thrown in. I finished out my short game practice in the bunker, and while I got the ball out on all shots, my distance control was terrible.

After my short game practice, I got a medium bucket of balls and went to the range. I ran through my usual warmup, starting with the sand wedge and working my way through the bag, hitting a couple of balls with each club. My short irons were not good today (never did really figure it out), but my longer clubs (with the exception of that dastardly driver) were pretty good. Even the five iron was pretty well struck. I spent some time working the driver, but I just can’t get that club going at all. Looks like it’s time for yet another swing clinic. I finished up the bucket alternating the 4-wood, thriver and driver. I wasn’t particularly pleased with my practice tonight, except for the longer clubs. I’ll need to spend some time with the wedges and short irons next time.

I’d planned to put in a full putting practice tonight, but it seems they are letting the grass grow long on the green. I attempted a few putts, and discovered that they had punched the green and it was really bumpy. I abandoned my putting practice and went home.

September 10, 2007

Three Practices and an Assessment of My Game

Filed under: Practice — Joey @ 10:38 pm

Last week, I managed to fit in three practice sessions, and got in some good work with all phases of my game. Last Wednesday and Saturday, I practiced at the Golden Bear Golf Center. On Sunday, I practiced at North Texas Golf. I’d planned to play nine as well, but the course was hosting a girls’ junior tournament.

My practice session for all three days was the same: a vigorous short game practice, followed by a visit to the range to work through all my clubs. At the Golden Bear Golf Center, I started first at the short game area, hitting short and medium pitches, mostly with my lob wedge. This practice usually ate up about 45 minutes. Then I spent some time hitting short and medium chips, mostly with the pitching wedge. Next, I put some time hitting sand and lob wedge shots out of the sand, followed by a short practice in the grass bunker hitting balls with the sand wedge on a severe up hill lie. I then went to the range, where I went through the bag, hitting a couple of balls at different targets with every other club in the bag. I would then work on the clubs that gave me problems as I went through the bag. Generally, this means hitting plenty of shots with the longer clubs. This week in particular, I never really got my driver to work at all, even though I had pretty good practices with the other fairway clubs. I normally follow up the range with a practice session on the putting green, but the condition of the green at Golden Bear isn’t good (the larger green is under renovation). I did have a nice putting practice at North Texas Golf, but their greens are very slow (but in pretty good condition) and don’t resemble the greens on the courses I usually play.

In general, my short and medium length wedge shots are improving and I’m feeling better in general about my short game. My chipping is greatly improved from all the home practice on the carpet. My full wedge game still needs improvement, as I’m inconsistent on distance (mostly due to hitting shots a bit thin or fat), though my directional control has improved. My short irons are pretty good, but I still tend to spray them around too much. My long irons are much better, although the big hook still inexplicably shows up once in a while. My best long club is my 9-wood/4-hybrid. I’m getting good results with that club and both my 7- and 4-woods are improving. I also had a chance to get my new Thriver out for a spin, and I really like the way it feels, though I’m a bit challenged getting the ball flying as high as I’d like. My driver continues to be a disaster: if I hit it straight, my distance is pathetic; if I hit it with good distance, it is usually a big push way off the fairway.

My putting continues to be the best part of my game right now. I’ve nearly eliminated three-putting and I’m hitting longer and longer putts. I still don’t hit as many birdie putts as I’d like. I now expect to hit most putts below 10 feet and those nasty 4 footers I used to miss I nearly always make. I continue to roll the ball on the carpet nearly every night, along with some chipping, and that seems to keep my touch and feel in good shape until I get my next opportunity to practice on the grass.

I’m getting some confidence back in my game, and I’m even feeling that I may break 90 in the near future.

September 8, 2007


Filed under: Equipment — Joey @ 9:01 am

I’ve built a new Thriver (fairway driver) using the new Wishon Golf 525F/D fairway driver clubhead. I used a Wishon Golf 7-B2P Driver shaft, R-flex, along with a Golf Pride DD2 midsize grip. I built the club to 42.5 inches in length with a swingweight of D-1. The purpose of this club is to be able to replace my driver when it is not cooperating with an easier to hit club that doesn’t give up too much distance off the tee, which is exactly the reason why this club was designed.

525FD side view


525FD Bottom View

September 2, 2007

North Texas Golf

Filed under: Play,Practice — Joey @ 1:21 pm

This morning, I practiced and played nine at North Texas Golf Center in Dallas. The morning was warm and sunny, with a variable breeze mostly out of the west.

I warmed up on the range using a warm up scheme developed by Bob Winters and described in the book Paper Tiger that I’ve been reading. Basically, it’s this: 5 sand wedge shots just to warm up, no target, no judgment, followed by three shots each (with a complete pre-shot routine and a target) with the sand wedge, 9-iron, 7-iron, 5-iron, 3-iron (which I replaced with my 7-wood), 3-wood (which I replaced with my 4-wood) and 5 shots with the driver. After that, simulate the first three holes on the course. For me, I simulated 8-iron, 8-iron and pitching wedge. This practice session went well until I got to the 4-wood, whereupon I tended to slice it and the driver, even though I hit the 7-wood nearly perfectly. Live and learn.

Next, I went to the pitching area and used the rest of the balls to practice short pitches at three of the target circles. I was pretty pleased with that part of my practice. The last three balls I hit at the farthest target circle and had pretty good distance control but lacked a bit of directional control. I then went to the chipping area and hit a few chips, the first three of which were within 3 ft of the hole, so I went on to the putting green. There, I hit a couple of three footers to warm up, and then ran a speed drill out to 24 ft, and lag-putted a few from 30 ft. That concluded my pretty good practice session.

My score:

Hole 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total
Par 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 27
Score 4 4 4 3* 3* 3* 3* 5 3* 32

* Hit green in regulation.

My round:

  • First hole. Hit a 9-iron from 116 yds thin and left into a tree, the ball dropped short of the hole and about 3 ft inside the out of bounds marker. I had a difficult chip to the hole, which I ran 8 ft past. I just missed the par putt and tapped in for bogey.
  • Second hole. Hit a 9-iron from 128 yds just short of the green, chipped short to about 6 ft, missed the putt for par and tapped in for bogey.
  • Third hole. Chunked a pitching wedge from 108 yds, badly, about halfway down the fairway, hit a lob wedge to 25 ft, just missed the par putt and tapped in for bogey.
  • Fourth hole. Hit a gap wedge from 95 yds to about 18 ft short of the hole, just missed the birdie putt and tapped in for par.
  • Fifth hole. Hit a gap wedge from 92 yds to about 20 ft short of the hole, left the birdie putt about 8″ short and tapped in for par.
  • Sixth hole. Hit a pitching wedge from 113 yds well left of the hole. The ball hit a light pole and bounced onto the green about 50 ft short of the hole. I hit a really nice lag putt to 3 ft and made that for par. Just a bit lucky! 😉
  • Seventh hole. Hit a gap wedge from 91 yds pin high 10 ft right of the hole, just missed the birdie putt and tapped in for par.
  • Eighth hole. Badly chucked a pitching wedge (again!) from 98 yds, then followed that up with a shanked lob wedge onto the ninth fairway. Hit a pretty good pitch using the lob wedge just slightly over the green, but chipped to 3 ft and tapped in for an ugly double. 😥
  • Ninth hole. Hit a pitching wedge from 113 yds to about 24 ft short of the hole, rolled a nice lag putt to 2″ and tapped in for par.

I played a pretty good round of golf today, just missed tying my best score on this course by one shot. Although I putted well (no three-putts), I didn’t get any of my five birdie putts to drop. My speed was good all day, and none of my second putts was stressful. All in all, a pretty good day of golf for me.

September 1, 2007

Mixed mess

Filed under: Practice — Joey @ 1:38 pm

This morning, I practiced at the Golden Bear Golf Center on a warm morning, with a light breeze from the south. I started off in the short game area, where someone had thoughtfully piled up about 75 balls at just the right distance for long pitches. I started off with the sand wedge, hitting short pitches at various holes on the green. Unlike my last practice, I didn’t have any difficulty with pushes. After many short shots with the sand wedge, I got out the lob wedge and continued hitting short pitches at several different pins. My touch and feel were far superior to my previous practice, and my distance control was much improved as well. In fact, I felt good enough about my pitching to practice cut lobs, and surprisingly, hit them quite well.

I then spent about 20 minutes chipping from long, medium and short range. My chipping was quite good as well, even holing one from about 25 ft. I then spent some time in the bunker, but never really got dialed in as I was hitting too far behind the ball. I took a short break and went to the range.

I started out hitting gap wedges at the red-flagged green, but soon had problems hitting the ball fat. In fact, that would be a theme all day with full wedge and short irons. So, I figured my tempo was off, so I got out the iPod and…


No Tour Tempo to get me back in tempo today, and indeed, I wasted half a bucket of balls before my swing got back in tempo. What did it was an extended practice with my fairway clubs. I hit the Wishon Golf 915F/H club especially well today, right at my expected 180 yard carry (and that with range balls, will probably be 5% longer with a normal ball). I also hit the 949MC 7-wood quite well, nearly nailing the yellow-flagged pin at 195 yards. The 4-wood I didn’t hit particularly well, and the driver never cooperated at all. In general, my irons were all pretty crappy today, but at least I could hit the longer clubs (except that pesky driver) pretty well.

By this time, I was out of gas, so I skipped putting and went and got some lunch.

August 31, 2007

Wet and Muggy

Filed under: Practice — Joey @ 6:49 pm

Last night, I practiced at the Hank Haney Golf Ranch in Lewisville. Heavy thunderstorms had rolled through the area, so there was standing water on some areas of the range and the humidity and mosquitos were stifling.

I warmed up with a little Tour Tempo while swinging the pitching wedge. My tempo was pretty good, so I turned off the iPod and moved on to hitting a mix of 8- and 5-irons. I was hitting the 8-rion pretty good, but the 5-iron was a little spotty, so I added the 6-iron into the mix. Pretty satisfied, so I moved on to the longer clubs. I hit all the longer clubs pretty well, except the driver, which refused to cooperate at all, except for a booming push well right of target or two. To finish up on the range, I went through the bag, trying to hit a good shot with each club. With the exception of the driver, I succeeded.

Next, I went to the putting green to practice my putting. First, I attempted to hit 10 in a row from 3 ft, but never got past 9 putts in a row, so I moved on to my usual speed drill. The speed drill went pretty well, but my putting was hampered by sand on the putting green, pulled up, no doubt, by the heavy rain earlier in the day. I finished up with a few lag putts from 30 ft and called it a day.

August 26, 2007

A Horrible Practice, and a Very Good One

Filed under: Practice — Joey @ 10:07 am

Last Wednesday, I practiced at the Golden Bear Golf Center, and it was perhaps the worst practice I’ve had since I was able to hit balls again after my back injury. Part of the problem was my lack of concentration, but the major issue was my tempo was off, and I just couldn’t get it dialed in again without Tour Tempo. So, yesterday, I packed up the iPod and traveled again to Golden Bear Golf Center to get my golf game back in some semblance of order.

I started out in the short game area, planning to spend most of the time hitting short pitches. My distance control has been poor of late, and is leading to big numbers on the course. I’d brought along the 64° wedge, just for fun, as I’ve been hitting a lot of chips with all my wedges off the carpet at home. My 770CFE pitching wedge is my usual weapon for chipping, and I continue to improve my chipping, but my pitching (with any of my wedges) has been far below what it needs to be. Someone had thoughtfully placed about 50 balls under a shady tree, so I started there hitting pitches with my lob wedge. From the first shot, I was hitting everything right of the target, and although I improved my distance control over the practice, I never really got the direction correct, tending to hit right of the target on nearly every shot. I didn’t get that resolved even after an hour hitting pitches with all three wedges. After that practice, I hit chips with the pitching wedge and was pleased to see my chipping practice on the carpet is helping my chipping performance on the grass. I then hit a few balls out of the sand (got them all out, but, yeech…).

I got a full bucket and hit the range. I warmed up with six very nice sand wedges that hit close to purple-flagged pin, but of the next four, only one was close. Still, I was pretty happy with that result, considering there was a two club wind in my face and I was hitting the ball high. Next, I got out the pitching wedge and attacked the white-flagged green, with Tour Tempo on the iPod. I was striking the ball well, but my direction control was a bit off, and with the wind, a bit short. I changed to the 9-iron and started attacking the flag. Again, I was striking the ball pretty well, but the shots were all over the place, though mostly on the green. At this point, I turned off Tour Tempo, as my tempo was pretty solid, and I’ve found that if you keep going once your tempo is dialed in, I’ll tend to rush my swing and hit the balls fat. So, the iPod was turned off.

I mixed 9-iron, 7-iron and 5-iron shots, using the blue-flagged green as a target. With the wind, the 7-iron wasn’t quite getting there. Again, I was striking the ball pretty well, but my direction control was a bit lacking. After a few dozen balls, I changed my target to the yellow-flagged green and got out the long clubs and rotated through them. I had my best long club ball striking day ever with the exception of the driver (hit low fades with poor distance). With the other clubs, I hit some really fine shots with each club (a few stinkers here and there) and my direction control was exceptionally good, with almost none of my patented high hooks. I even had a “Wow!” experience with all three of the fairway clubs. If only I could say the same about the driver…

I’d run of out of balls and time, so I wasn’t able to putt, but I was very pleased with my long club practice on Saturday.

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