A different practice routine
I went to the range tonight to try out a new practice routine to see if it improves my swing. As always, I warmed up with some 7-iron half swings, but instead of progressing through the long irons, I went immediately to the driver. With the driver, I was spraying shots all over the range, hooks, slices, moon balls, worm burners. Ugly, ugly stuff.
Next, I then hit some balls with the 27-degree hybrid. With a half swing, I nearly hit the blue flag some 145 yds away. 3/4 swings were completely flying the green, so were at least 155 yds. This is a big improvement over Sunday and validated my theory that swinging the driver helped me reduce tension and improve distance. My distances tonight with the hybrids were about 150-155 yds with the 27-degree hybrid and 160-165 yds with the 23-degree hybrid. I also improved distance on 4-, 5-, and 6-irons as well, but I didn’t keep records of the distances.
I didn’t practice any short irons tonight, but I did some short (15 to 40 yd) pitches with the lob wedge and sand wedge tonight. My distance control was not so good. I tended to be a little long tonight, and most shots were to the right of the target. I never did get the wedges straightened out until the end. I didn’t have time to putt tonight and only hit a few chips with the pitching wedge.