Finally, the driver goes straight (mostly)
On Wednesday night, I practiced at Golden Bear Golf Center. The days have been very hot in Texas, so no practice after work until cooler weather returns.
My biggest problem lately has been hooking, and it seems the primary cause of that hook is tension. When I’m swinging freely, I get a straight ball or a slight draw. When I’m not, the hook intervenes.
On to the driver. Since the driver is my problem club (as well as the 3-metal), I changed my setup so that I use a slightly open clubface and a slightly closed stance. If I’m swinging freely with a good pause at the top, the driver goes straight as an arrow, and with good distance. When my swing has tension, the driver hooks and has lousy distance. So, the key for me is to get rid of the tension. This is true of the irons as well, though the misses are less. Hook = tension!
On Saturday morning, I practiced again at Golden Bear Golf Center, hoping to get in a few balls before threatening thunderstorms rolled in. I started out hitting the ball fat, but soon worked through it and hit the irons pretty well. I was able to hit the driver and 3-metal pretty well today, though, as usual, misses were hooks. Still need to figure out a swing key to get out the tension… My final pin-hunting drill went well today, making some good swings and about half my shots were 4 or better on a 5 scale.
Time to get back out on the course…