Joey's Golf Bag

August 2, 2006

A little better

Filed under: Practice — Joey @ 11:56 pm

After dinner tonight, I went to the Golden Bear Golf Center to hit some balls and practice putting. The temperature was hovering around 100F, but since the humidity was low, it was comfortable. There was a 1-club breeze in my face, which helped as well.

I started off hitting 8-iron shots to the blue flag, 130 yds distance into the wind. I hit the short irons well tonight, though tending to hook when hitting a poor one. I alternated the pitching wedge, 8-, 6- and 4-irons. I never got the 4-iron going, although I did hit it straight, just very low, barely above the flag. The 6-iron took a few shots to get going, but I did manage some good ones by the end.

I got out the driver, 3-metal and hybrid, but with the exception of a couple of drives, hit those club poorly.

Next up, I got out the wedges, all four of them, and practiced hitting at the red flag some 80 yds away. That’s a little less than a half swing with a pitching wedge, about a half swing with the sand wedge, a 3/4 swing with the lob wedge, and if I really hop on it, just short with a full swing and a low trajectory with the 64 degree wedge. I hit the wedges well tonight, although the ball strikes were not as crisp with the 64 degree wedge.

After a 20 minute session on the putting green, I headed home, pretty happy with my practice session. I think another one or two practice sessions with the long clubs I’ll be back to where I was before I fell.

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