Joey's Golf Bag

February 27, 2010

Freezing, Then Sweating

Filed under: Play — Joey @ 3:57 pm

This morning, I played in a GGA ABCD 2 Best Balls tournament at Grapevine Golf Club. We were scheduled to go off at 8:28AM, but there was a 45 minute frost delay. It was quite chilly, but sunny, when we went off, and despite shedding two layers of clothes, was sweating on the last few holes. We played Pecan followed by Bluebonnet.

My score:

Hole 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Out
Par 4 3 4 5 4 4 4 3 5 36
Score 8 4 5 6 6 6 7 4 5 51
Hole 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 In Total
Par 5 4 4 3 5 4 4 3 4 36 72
Score 7 7 5 4 6 4* 5 6 5 49 100

* Hit green in regulation.


  • Off the tee. I hit 8 of 14 fairways, and none of the par-3 holes in regulation. I had three penalties off the tee, one hooked into the water on Pecan #3 and another hook into the water on #7, and one pushed well right into the crap on Bluebonnet #2.
  • Approach shots. Not very good, as I hit only one green-in-regulation, a 6-iron to about 15 ft on Bluebonnet #6. I missed the birdie putt.
  • Wedges. I had two really nice wedges for tap-ins, but also chunked two or three.
  • Chipping. No chips today, I putted whenever close to the green.
  • Sand shots. I was in three greenside bunkers today, got out cleanly but never got up-and-down.
  • Putting. I had two 3-putts, had four 1-putt greens and a total of 34 putts. My 3-putts were due to bad distance control, one was well by the hole and the other well short.

Well, my lessons aren’t really working yet. I had a couple of good drives, especially on Pecan #9 over the water (made par). My only really good iron shots were a 6-iron into #6 on Bluebonnet and an 8-iron from a severe up-hill lie on #7 Bluebonnet that was pin-high but a foot off the green. I was happy to have had two tap-in up-and-downs with nice sand wedge pitches, but disappointed that I chunked a couple. My putting was typically mediocre and so were my sand shots. Not my best day, but I still might end up in the money on the individual leader board.

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