Wedges and putts
This morning I went to the Golden Bear Golf Center to work on my short game. The weather was sunny and very warm, with no breeze at all.
I warmed up with the pitching wedge, and then spent some time hitting full wedge shots with all my wedges, though sparingly with the X wedge. Aside from a fat or thin shot or two, I hit them very well this morning.
Next up, I got out the 8- and 6-irons and alternated them with the pitching wedge. My main issue today was slicing the ball (over-compensating for the draws I was hitting yesterday), but I soon worked that out and was hitting the ball pretty well.
I then got out the long clubs and alternated through them. At first, I was hitting hooks, then I was hitting pushes. I got the 3i hybrid going straight, but the driver and 2i hybrid strikes were all draws or pushes. I never really striped one down the middle with either club.
My final drill was the pin-hunting drill, which didn’t go very well, hitting only 7 of 16 balls very good or better.
I went to the putting green and spent half an hour working, again, on speed drills. This time I used 4 balls spaced a step apart, starting at the hole. I would hit those four balls, then move one step farther from the hole and run the drill again. I continued this drill until I was 12 steps from the hole (36 ft). In general, I left very few putts short and only two or three putts longer than 2 ft from the hole. Maybe I can take it to the course tomorrow.
Next up was the short game area. I spent about 30 minutes working on getting out of the sand. I was very inconsistent with this practice today; I’ll just have to not hit any bunkers tomorrow. My last drill was lofted wedge shots using the lob wedge. I spent another 30 minutes working on this club and finally got my feel back. I’m feeling good about this clubs again.
In general, a pretty good practice, although not my best. I’m as ready as I can be to conquer Arizona National tomorrow.