Joey's Golf Bag

September 16, 2006

Randolph North Golf Course

Filed under: Play — Joey @ 5:13 pm

On Wednesday afternoon, Ryan and I played 18 at the Randolph North Golf Course in Tucson. Randolph North is the best of five Tucson, AZ municipal courses, and was the location of the Ping / Welch’s LPGA Tournament. The course was built in 1925 and is a traditional course built for walking. The course was in very good condition, considering it is the end of summer and will soon be re-seeded for the winter. The greens were in excellent condition; the fairways showed signs of summer stress. The weather was warm and partly cloudy, and we got a brief burst of rain on the 12th hole, which left a stunning rainbow over the course.

We went off the first tee at about 2:45 PM and finished well before the sun went down, in about 3-1/2 hours. We seldom waited on any holes even though the course was pretty full.

My score:

Hole 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Out
Par 4 4 5 4 4 3 4 3 5 36
Score 6 7 6 5 5 5 6 5 5 50
Hole 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 In Total
Par 4 3 4 5 4 3 5 4 4 36 72
Score 5 3 5 8 5 3 8 6 5 48 98


  • Tee shots. I had a pretty respectible day with the driver, hitting about half the fairways. I was less successful on the par-3 holes, hitting only the 15th in regulation.
  • Approach shots. Here’s where I continue to struggle. I had a pretty mediocre day with approach shots. An illustrative hole was the par-5 ninth. I hit a driver into the center of the fairway, then misjudged the distance to the creek running in front of the green and put the ball into the water. I took a drop and placed a short wedge shot to about 30 ft, which I promptly holed for par. Basically, although my distance control was pretty good, I sprayed approach shots all around the greens and almost never on them. On the back par-5 holes, I was chunking shots left and right, simply awful.
  • Wedges. Pretty mediocre, getting close on very few shots, and flying the green on more than one hole. I managed to get up and down on only about three holes, and that’s some ugly golf.
  • Sand shots. I hit into only one bunker, and got out, but not close, to the hole.
  • Chipping. For the most part, I wasn’t close enough to the hole to chip, so was left with short wedge shots.
  • Putting. Putting improved somewhat, as I tended to hit long putts past the hole instead of leaving them short as I so often do. I nailed a 30 ft putt for par on the ninth, and another long one for par on the 11th. I had only two three-putts that I remember, but I didn’t keep stats like I usually do.

I played poorly today, but the course was very fun. It seems easy at first glance, but is more difficult than it seems from its length.

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