Joey's Golf Bag

October 4, 2006

The Good and the Bad

Filed under: Practice — Joey @ 7:59 pm

This morning, at the crack of dawn, I practiced at The Practice Tee in Plano. The weather was rather warm by the time the sun came up, and there was no breeze at all.

The putting green was closed (it had just been sanded), so I started off at the short game area practicing short lob and X wedge shots. My first few shots with the lob wedge were scattered around, but I soon got my touch back and even holed two shots.

Next up, I went to the range and began hitting full pitching wedge shots. Mostly good, but almost all were a bit fat. I never really got that worked out. Next up, 7-iron shots. I started out making solid contact with the ball, but all my shots were fades. I then got out the 5-iron, and I’m hooking the ball. Hmmm… Next, 9-iron. Pushes. Wow, I’m consistently inconsistent. 🙄

The 3i hybrid and driver were next. My first drive was a booming slice, next one a booming hook. I eventually got that worked out to fades and draws, but the straight ball just wouldn’t show itself today. Most of my 3i hybrids were fades, when I wasn’t chunking them.

I had a fine day with my short game, but my long game was pretty pitiful. Not one of my better practices.

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