Practice at GBGC
I went to practice this morning. The weather was cool, with a 10 mph wind directly in my face. I wanted to work on all of the things I did poorly while playing yesterday.
I started (badly) with short sand wedge shots, shanking a few. I gave up on that, got out the 7-iron and got my tempo back together. After that, I took out the driver and hit some, mixing up very nice straight ones with duck hooks. Either they were straight or they were hooked, not much in between. I experimented some with ball position within my stance, but ended up where I started. Next, I hit some shots with the 3-metal, mostly straight. After that, I hit a lot of shots with the hybrids, mostly fades. I never did get a draw going, straight was the best I could do today. Some minor work with the short irons got them going straight again, instead of pushes.
After I ran out of balls, I went over to the short game area and hit dozens of short and medium length lob and sand wedges. Apart from a few fat shots, I was pretty happy with the practice. I also hit some 15-20 yd chips with the pitching wedge with good results, still some a little long, but better than yesterday.
Next was the putting green. One of the two greens was down for maintenance; the other one had just had some sand spread around. I mostly ran the 3 ball drills where I place the balls at 2 and 3 yd intervals. I had good success through successive drills, with only a single 3 putt. After about 5 drills, I putted several balls from 35-40 ft, with no 3 putts.
A good day’s practice, I was pretty happy afterward.