Putting, putting, putting
This afternoon after work, I had a few minutes, so I stopped off at Golden Bear Golf Center and spent 45 minutes working on putting. I should have spent some time on short putts, but I used the time to work on putts longer than 18 ft. My practice consisted of two drills, the first, dropping 3 balls at a specific distance, hitting all three putts and then cleaning up any that didn’t go in (which was most of them). I practiced putts out to 45 ft and did a pretty good job, except for the usual one or two that were inexplicably long or short. Next, I went through a nine-hole simulation around the putting green. I started remarkably well by nailing two 25-ft putts and lagging the third to about 6 inches. The next hole was about 20 ft away and I hit two of the three putts well, but left one long. The last hole was about 50 ft away and I hit two putts within tap-in distance but left one short by 5 ft and missed that one.
If I could just get rid of the inexplicable putts left well short or long, I’d putt really well. I need to spend a lot of time on short 3-4 ft putts as well.