Joey's Golf Bag

July 25, 2007

Sometimes it clicks

Filed under: Practice — Joey @ 9:28 pm

Tonight, after dinner, I went to the Hank Haney Golf Ranch in Lewisville to practice. The evening was warm, with only a slight breeze from the west.

I put the iPod on 27/9 and warmed up with the pitching wedge. It took only 2 or 3 balls before I was striking the ball pretty well. I then hit a few more just to make sure, and then got out the 9-, 7-, and 5-irons and rotated through those clubs. I was hitting the ball pretty well, no major defects other than occasional big pull-hook. Next, I got out the driver, 3-hybrid and 5-wood. I hit a couple of decent 3-hybrid shots, but never really got the 5-wood to work. After a few shots, that dreaded snap hook came back, so I decided to run some drills (Y-drill and L-drill from Tour Tempo) and a couple of the Jim Flick drill to get into the proper backswing position. Those drills helped; I then started striking the driver pretty well. I hit a quite a few balls with the driver, then went to the wedges and hit some balls with each of them. The fat shot was rare tonight, I’m happy to say. With the last remaining balls, I went through the odd numbered clubs and hit one or two shots with each, ending with a few drives.

My ball striking was more consistent tonight; I never really had a stretch where I missed a lot of shots. Indeed, the poor shots were scattered here and there, and I was always able to get my tempo back and swing well.

After I ran out of balls, I went to the putting green to practice. It was clear from my starting chips that I wasn’t really able to concentrate any more, and after a lack-luster practice with the putter, went home. I had no energy left to putt.

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