Joey's Golf Bag

October 1, 2005

Good driving

Filed under: Practice — Joey @ 6:18 pm

This morning I visited the GBGC to practice. The skies were mostly cloudy, the wind was in my face with a 1-2 club breeze. I started with 7-irons, hitting half swings with mixed results. As I’ve been out of town on business since Sunday, I was a little rusty this morning. After a few shots, I started hitting some decent balls, some fades, some draws.

I got out the driver and quickly started hitting them down the middle of the imagined fairway. Out of a dozen swings, only two were outside the fairway. I even managed a draw or two to go along with a five straight ones. I managed only one slice, so I was very pleased. I also had respectable distance for me, about 180-200 yd carries into the wind.

Next up was the 3-wood, and continued to hit mostly straight balls. I did have one ugly fat shot, but even that one was right down the middle. Carry was about 170 yds.

The three hybrids followed. The 23-hybrid was a mix of fades, draws and straight shots, with a slice or two thrown in the mix. The 19-hybrid was very mixed, some slices and hooks, to go with a bunch of fades. Only with the 27-hybrid did I manage any straight shots of note, but there were also a lot of fades and even a slice.

I moved on to the middle irons. The six iron hooked constantly, but after a few shots managed some straight shots and a push or two. The seven iron was a disaster, hooks and slices. Moving up to the 8-, 9- and 10-irons produced a mix of pushes and straight balls. Distance was shorter than usual due to the strong wind and my high ball flight.

Putting was next. I started out with the 6, 12, and 18 foot drill, but as I hadn’t putted for nearly a week, I went back and hit a few from 20 ft to get my speed and rhythm back. After that, I ran the 6/12/18 ft drill three times, with two birdies and a three putt. Next, I ran the 9/18/27 ft drill twice, with two more birdies and two three putts. I finished up with three balls from 35 ft, and finished up 1 under par for the simulated 18-holes. Ironically, all of the birdies were from the middle distance, none from the shorter distances. As I used a harder set of holes with more break than usual, I was pretty happy with the putting. I still need work on short putts with significant break to get rid of the three putts.

A pretty good practice session today, considering a long layoff due to travel.

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