Joey's Golf Bag

October 2, 2005

Good driving, part deux

Filed under: Practice — Joey @ 1:57 pm

This morning I went to practice at GBGC. The weather was overcast with a 1 club breeze into my face. Since the red flag was at perfect distance for a 9-iron, I started with that club, hitting a variety of pushes and pulls. Distance was a little short due to the incoming wind.

I then went to the driver. I started with a mix of slices and hooks, but soon was hitting the majority of balls straight down the fairway with a mix of slight draws or fades. I hit even better with the 3-metal, nearly every ball was in the fairway with a draw, straight or fade.

Things went south as soon as I got out the 19-hybrid. Every ball sliced, badly. I worked for a while to correct it, finally hitting a few straight, but everytime I thought I had it straightened out, the slice would reappear. I let my fustration get to me a little, I’m afraid. I decided to hit some hard wedge shots, but was hitting nearly every shot fat by at least 2 inches. I gave that up in frustration, and returned to the driver to work out my anger.

Fortunately, that worked. Out of a dozen balls, maybe two wouldn’t have been in the fairway. I followed it up with some very straigth 3-metal shots, though some were a bit fat.

I started putting practice with 20 ft putts to get the speed down. After a few drills, my speed was pretty good. I picked a hole with a lot of break and started the 6/12/18 ft drill. Three drills had me 3 under par for the drill. Next, I ran 2 drills at 9/18/27 ft. The first drill was nicely done, as I holed the 27 ft putt (including 3 ft of break). Unfortunately, I gave all of those shots back, three putting twice on the next 9/18/27 ft drill, and also three putting once on the 3-balls from 35 ft drill.

A very mixed practice session. At the very least, I’m pleased with my progress with the woods, but disappointed that I let my frustration get to me on the hybrids and wedges.

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