Joey's Golf Bag

October 10, 2005

Practice and playing at North Texas Golf

Filed under: Practice — Joey @ 7:44 pm

I practiced and played at North Texas Golf on Sunday morning, a cool, clear day with a 1 club wind from the southeast.

First, I hit half a bucket of balls on the wedge practice area, hitting 20-50 yd shots with my sand wedge and some shorter ones with the lob wedge. I hit the balls pretty well today, with good distance control and pretty poor direction control. After that, I hit a lot of iron shots with 6-10 irons, only getting out the longer clubs for a few swings. In general, my distances were fairly consistent, but the direction was all over the place, pulls and pushes, only a few balls with any curve to them at all, except for the 6-iron, which mostly faded a bit.

I then used my pitching wedge to chip a few ball, warmed up on the putting green and headed out on the course. My score:

Hole 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total
Par 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 27
Score 5 4 3* 4 4 3 3* 4* 3* 33

* Hit green in regulation.


  • Distance control was good today. I was using 3/4 swings to keep the ball down a bit out of the wind, so my distances were a bit shorter than usual. Most of my misses were pushes pin high, although one tee shot was short and one nearly to the back of the green.
  • Putting was fair. I three putted the eighth hole from about 30 ft. The rest were two putts; didn’t hit a birdie putt all day. The closest shot to the hole was about 25 ft.
  • Chipping was poor all day, mostly too long. Same for the only time I hit a lob wedge over one of those 10 ft tall grass plants at 4, went right over the pin, after a pushed shot off the tee. The first hole was an unmitigated disaster, pushed the tee shot, lobbed short, putted long from the fringe and 2 putted from 8 ft.
  • There was a guy out watering the greens in front of me this morning. I had to putt through standing water on 6 and 7. I took a practice putt to get the feel for putting in standing water, as I’ve never done that. The putts were slow. 😉

All in all, a fun day with great weather.

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