Straight, but short
I practiced at GBGC on Friday after work, to work on getting the slice, so prevalent the last time I played, out of my swing. With the exception of the driver, I was able to do that today.
I started off hitting 7-irons, trying to shape the shots into a draw. Though I wasn’t able to draw the ball consistently, I did manage to get the ball going mostly straight, with only a few fades thrown in. After that, I hit 6-irons and had similar results. The straight shots failed, though, when I got out the driver. While I excised the slice, most of the balls were fading, and never managed to get the ball to draw. Same results with the 3-metal and the three hybrids. All shots mostly faded, but at least the slice was gone.
After those clubs, I went through the short irons, hitting pretty good shots mostly straight, little or no fade. Some were pushed, which in short irons can mean the club face was open. I soon ran out of balls, but not before I finally got the balls going straight. Distance was somewhat shorter than usual, but I’m happy with shorter distance if the ball goes straight.