Joey's Golf Bag

January 7, 2006

A nice day of golf

Filed under: Play,Practice — Joey @ 5:07 pm

Today was a beautiful, warm day, with a strong breeze from the south. Chinh and I practiced and played nine at North Texas Golf Center this afternoon.

It’s been more than two weeks since I last had a golf club in my hand, due to a trip north for Christmas, followed by the flu. I was unable to eat anything for 3 days during that period and it was the better part of a week before I felt strong enough to get out on a golf course.

I started out hitting balls with my newly constructed 6-iron. Hitting balls with the blade was little different than hitting balls with my Big Bertha 6-iron. On the other hand, I was completely unable to hit the blade 3-iron, and I was able to hit the Big Bertha 3-iron, at least respectably.

I went through my bag and hit most of my clubs, except for the driver, which I’d left at home. I’m not planning to hit the driver any more until I replace it with a SasQuatch driver, probably with the 13-degree loft. I did hit the SasQuatch 3-metal, with varying results. Most of my clubs were a little short today and I didn’t hit any irons longer than a 5-iron with any consistency.

I spent quite a bit of time hitting short wedge shots. My feel was a little off today, but I did have good success with the sand wedge, and limited success with the lob wedge. The pitching wedge, on the other hand, didn’t want to work today, so it spent the day in the bag.

My score:

Hole 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total
Par 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 27
Score 3* 4 5 2* 5 3* 4 3* 4 33

* Hit green in regulation.


  • Short irons. I had a pretty good day off the tee with the short irons. My only real difficulty was all my distances were a bit short, especially when hitting into the wind. I had a perfect 9-iron on the fourth hole to 5 feet, which I promptly knocked in for a birdie. On the other hand, I hit a 10-iron long into a ball eating bush, and had to take an unplayable on the fifth hole.
  • Wedges. I hit pretty good wedge shots all day, when I missed the greens. I didn’t do any chipping today, since I didn’t spend any practice time on chipping. My only really poor wedge shot was on the ninth hole, left it well short, but the recovery wedge was perfect, to 3 inches.
  • Putting. Mixed results today. I three-putted the third hole, hitting all the putts long. I also missed a short putt for par on 7, caused by a wind gust.

Chinh had a fine day today, shooting a 31.

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