Impact Assessment
On Tuesday, I went to the Golden Bear Golf Center after work to hit some balls. The weather was nice, mid-60s and a soft breeze in my face. I primarily worked on the longer irons. I also spent some time doing an impact assessment, hitting 3 or 4 balls each using the 9-iron, 7-iron, 5-iron and 3-metal, with impact tape. The impact tape pretty much tells the tale of my golf abilities (such as they are). I’m pretty consistent with the 9-iron, probably hitting 8 of 10 shots well with that club. With the 7-iron, I probably hit 7 of 10 shots well, and with the 5-iron, 5 of 10 shots well. With the 3-metal, on the other hand, I didn’t hit any of the shots well on this day, which is unusual for me, I usually hit about 6 of 10 shots well with that club. See image below for the impacts.
I also hit a few balls with my 3- and 6-iron blades, and hit them very poorly today. With my Big Bertha irons, I had much less difficulty hitting the long irons. Not really a surprise, but I usually am able to hit the 6-iron blade pretty well, only rarely hitting the 3-iron blade well. The 3-metal today was a complete disaster, never hit even a single ball well today, either hitting snap hooks, slices or worm burners. Yeech!
I ran out of time (and daylight), so I didn’t have time to putt, chip or hit short wedges.