Too much practice
This morning, I went to Golden Bear Golf Center to practice. The weather was warm and sunny, with a soft breeze from the southwest.
Because of my poor wedge play yesterday, I started out in the short game area, working on short sand and lob wedges. I had pretty good touch today, but tended to be a bit left and long.
Next, I went to the range and started off hitting full 7-iron shots to get warmed up. I then got out the 5-iron and alternated those two clubs. Next up, I got out the 4-, 6- and 8-irons and worked on both full swing and low punch shots. I’m starting to develop a pretty good punch shot, but if I’m not swinging well, will tend to hit down too far and leave a big divot. In general, my iron shots were pretty good today.
Next up, I hit a number of full pitching and sand wedges, with a few lob wedges thrown in for good measure. I had some difficulty with pulling the shots, and had a few fat ones, until I got my tempo right.
Finally, I got out my 3-metal and driver, and that was a complete disaster. Either I was hitting low duck hooks, or I pushed the shots well right. Not a good shot to be found. I eventually realized the main problem was I was tired from all the balls I’d hit today. I’ll save the short game practice after full swing practice and avoid this difficulty in the future. As I was tired and the noon day sun was beating down hard, I skipped putting practice and got a milkshake at Diary Queen. 🙂