Tour Tempo to the Rescue
This morning, I practiced at the Golden Bear Golf Center on a warm, cloudy morning. There was a slight breeze from my back.
I started out hitting sand wedges at the red-flagged green. At first, I struck the ball poorly, but eventually got it together. I then hit some really fine pitching wedges, followed by a few 8-irons, then some 6-irons, and finally, two of the better 4-iron shots I’ve hit in a long time. That’s when things started to unravel. My swing deteriorated so much, that, in desperation, I got out the iPod, turned on 27/9 tour tempo, and started hitting 8-irons. Finally, I started striking the ball well again. Not perfectly, tending to pull the shots just a little, but mostly well-struck. I then got out the 6-iron and hit a few. Encouraged, I got out the driver… not pretty. I struggled to keep up with 27/9 and kept hitting moon balls. I put the driver away before I skymarked it. By that time, I’d run out of balls, so I went to putt.
My putting practice was good. I spent most of the time running speed drills and followed up with lag putts from 30 ft. I was pretty pleased with my putting.
Time ran out, but I was pretty happy with my practice today. Tomorrow: Firewheel.